Website: Winkler TV & Satellite

Customer: Winkler TV & Satellite Project: Rebuild of an existing site into a WordPress site. The site features different pages of information for the services providers they work with. The site uses a custom header and is fully responsive for use on different devices. The sites uses a couple different forms and has a sticky […]
Website: XII Stones Internet Cafe

Customer: XII Stones Project: Build of a website in WordPress. The site is a brochure style site which is fully responsive and features the menu items for the cafe. It also gives a history of the company and contact info for the business. The site features a modern “layered” design which stacks info in layers […]
Website: Idaho Potato Museum

Customer: Idaho Potato Museum Project: The Blackfoot Chamber of Commerce approached us about rebuilding their Potato Museum website. In addition to a more attractive and dynamic design, they were interested in an online store built into the new site. They had previously been selling merchandise through eBay, but were tired of the fees, and wanted […]
Website: Blackfoot Performing Arts Center

Customer: Blackfoot Performing Arts Center Project: Complete build of a website in HTML. The website keeps track of all events that are happening at the Performing Arts Center and keeps an archive of past events. It incorporates Google calendar to list everything that is happening related to the center. It provides links to purchase tickets […]
Website: Great Outdoors RV Rental

Customer: Great Outdoors RV Rental Project: Build of a website in WordPress. The site is a brochure style site which is fully responsive and features RVs that are available to rent from the company. The website feature a reservation system where a customer can reserve an RV through the site. Calendars are also in place […]
Website: Cedar Chest Quilter’s Guild

Customer: Cedar Chest Quilter’s Guild Project: Rebuild of a pre-existing website into a WordPress site with some updates to the look, features, and content. The website holds information for the quilting guild including how to become a member, information about the guild, and how to contact them. The website also has an organized archive of […]
Website: Blackfoot Chamber of Commerce

Customer: Blackfoot Chamber of Commerce Note: In 2019, along with changes in leadership & systems the Chamber moved to a new website from another developer. We remain on good terms with the Chamber and are proud to have provided substantial improvements for a season over their previous website, and wish them well in their new […]
Website: Blackfoot Quilt Fest

Customer: Blackfoot Quilt Fest Project: Website build in WordPress. The website is a brochure style site which contains information about the fest and is updated regularly with information on the newest quilt fest. The site features sign up forms to register for classes for the quilt fest on the website. The site also contains information […]
Website: Castaways Marina

Customer: Castaways Marina Project: Rebuild of a pre-existing website into a WordPress site with some updates to the look, features, and content. This is a brochure style website with information on the marina as well as directions and contact info. Project Associates: Eric Hardin Site build and updates
Website: Dawn Enterprises Inc.

Customer: Dawn Enterprises, Inc. Project: Complete website build with WordPress. At the moment this is a brochure style website but there are plans of it becoming an E-commerce site in the future with the ability to buy products through the website. The website has various sections of information about the company and a section for […]
Website: YAY Technology

Client: YAY Technology Project: Our website is a brochure style WordPress site which contains information about the various services we offer. The site is updated regularly with information on our services and our newest projects that we work on. The project page shows our current projects being worked on. The most recent update to the […]
Website: Develop Bingham

Customer: Bingham Economic Development Corp [Site no longer live, Develop Bingham merged with REDI (Regional Economic Development Eastern Idaho)] Project: This website was built to promote economic development in Bingham County, Idaho. It was built to have a combination of static information about the county and the benefits of doing business in the area, and […]
Website: Author Dee J Rammell

Customer: Dee J Rammell Project: New site build in WordPress. The website was a brochure style site which contained information for the author’s upcoming book and information about the author himself. The site provided various links to order the book and for news concerning the author. The site also integrated the author’s Facebook feed directly […]