Computers, Websites, Media & More!

Current and Past Web Projects by YAY Technology

We Build Update Repair Maintain websites of many different styles and purposes

Different websites have different needs. Anyone setting out to build or improve a website should know what they are going to need, and what total costs to expect. These include:

The domain is the address of the website. It's what is typed in the address bar to get to the website. You will want to pick a domain name that is easy to remember and related to your website. Typically the shorter the better. Domain names are usually billed out annually.

Hosting is where the actual files for the website are stored on the server. We have many options available for Hosting so that you are only paying for the space and bandwidth that your website needs. It can also be adjusted at anytime if more or less space is needed. Hosting is also billed a yearly rate.

Security is important now more than ever. Some browsers may not even let your site load if it detects it is not secure. Our website builds include setting up an SSL certificate to ensure that your site is secure and meets today's standards. We also instal security measures such as Captchas and WordPress security to prevent unauthorized access.

Once the website is complete, we offer content management services to keep the content of the website updated as desired. Invoices are sent out at the end of the month for any work that was done during that month. We are happy to be as involved as needed after the initial site is complete, whether it's handling all the updates or just helping out here and there.

Depending on the purpose of the website, different software, or functionalities, may be needed for the site to operate correctly. Whether it's complicated forms, calendar systems, eshops, etc., we can get the right systems in place for your site. Occasionally some premium software may be needed but we will discuss that first if it comes up. We have built up a library of software over the years so generally have most things covered.

The importance of backups doesn't need to be explained, but we keep regular backups of our websites. Many things can cause a website to have issues or not load properly, so it's good to have backups. We also have options if you want to go even further than that. Get in touch with us to explore those options.

We work with WordPress, one of the most powerful website content management systems(CMS) used today. WordPress is used by some of the biggest companies because of its power and ease-of-use.
With technology today, your website needs to be viewable on many different sized devices. We build our sites to be readable on all major device sizes. We can also take existing sites and convert them to updated, responsive websites.
If you’re looking for a new website, or a re-design of a current site, the first step is to get an idea of how it should look. Browse some of WordPress’s themes to get an idea of the direction for the site. With the amount of themes and customization available, the possibilities are endless! Below are some categories of different website styles.

A brochure website is a site that is rarely updated. It can still be an elegant presentation of information about your business or organization. This is often a great approach for a small established business that has figured out what it does and does not do, and can simply present all the necessary information to the potential customer, much like in a well designed brochure.

The content is created with rare updates in mind, avoiding information that might change regularly, such as menu specials for a restaurant, inventory levels, or upcoming events. Common content includes (but certainly isn’t limited to) description of services, photos, contact information and directions, an “about us” page, and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

An E-Commerce site is one that features a functioning store, allowing customers to buy and pay for goods, products, or services through the website. This may include selling items that are shipped to the customer, or downloadable products such as audio or video files, or documents. This can also include websites that take donations or payments without having merchandise.

There are a number of key elements that go into a successful E-Commerce website, including presentation, organization, security, and payment verification and notification.

An E-Commerce site requires more ongoing attention than most other types of sites, but total costs are generally much lower than maintaining a brick-and-mortar storefront, and thus can be a great option for small business, or a business that wishes to target a customer base that is too widespread to target with a brick-and-mortar store alone.

This could include business and organizational websites that receive frequent updates to the information on the site; news or newsletters, blogs, projects or tutorials, events, etc.

These sites can be set up with multiple users collaborating on the site’s content, and different users can be given different permission levels for managing the site’s content, structure, and management. Some users may only be able to submit work for review before publication, others may be able to directly publish their updates, and still others can delve deep into the site’s workings and change any aspect of the website.

This could include business and organizational websites that receive frequent updates to the information on the site; news or newsletters, blogs, projects or tutorials, events, etc.

These sites can be set up with multiple users collaborating on the site’s content, and different users can be given different permission levels for managing the site’s content, structure, and management. Some users may only be able to submit work for review before publication, others may be able to directly publish their updates, and still others can delve deep into the site’s workings and change any aspect of the website.

Content Management

Content Management is a critical part of maintaining a website that needs to be kept up to date and relevant to its visitors. Some of our customers choose to maintain their own content, and we are glad to give the training to make this possible. Other customers don’t have the time, resources, or desire to maintain their own website content, and would rather be able to depend on us to handle their website needs as a whole.

We are happy to handle content updates, however small or large. For customers that have only occasional update needs, we are glad to do this at our standard rate billed to the nearest minute. That means if your site needs a small update (for example, changing a phone number), it may only take a few minutes, and cost only a few dollars. For customers with regular, ongoing content management needs, we are glad to talk about discounted rates, depending on the volume and regularity of the updates. Content updates are invoiced and billed out at the end of every month.

Customized Email

The Business Standard

Every business should use customized email addresses.
Using typical free addresses such as “” comes across as unprofessional and even untrustworthy, and setting up customized addresses is inexpensive and easy to use!

Needs & Cost

Domain Name

Email Service Provider


Web Hosting & Domains

YAY Technology has well over a decade of experience hosting dozens of websites, from small and simple to large and complex. We can meet special needs with:

  • Dedicated IP addresses
  • custom email accounts
  • multi-site installations
  • subdomains
  • domain transfers
  • e-commerce sites
  • and much more!

Let us know what you need, and we can give you an idea of costs and requirements to meet your needs. We have many different packages available to fit the traffic and space needed to run your site!